How to Stay Healthy in Summer

>> Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer is the season you exercise for, but now that it's here, how do you keep your fitness routine in check without collapsing from the heat? Here's how to stay cool and in shape during these hot summer months.

Ever wonder why it's so hard to keep exercising in the heat? Instead of blood going to the muscles, the body diverts it to the skin to keep_ it cool. As a result, it becomes harder and harder to exercise during summers.

It's important to take precautions when working out during summers. Things like staying hydrated, applying sunscreen, and wearing light clothing become more important.

Fusion Life gives you a few tips on how to stay in shape this summer
  • It's very important to stay correctly hydrated, and it's easy to do so! Ideally, one should start drinking watet- or other liquids at least 15 minutes before exercising. For every 20 minutes spent working out, eight ounces(approx.i cup) of water should be consumed . This is where water loss during exercising comes into play, therefore, weigh yourself before and after your workout. Theoretically, for every pound you've lost, you should drink 16 ounces of water. And while we're talking hydration, be sure to try and not have a lot of salt in your food as that would lead to water retention.

  • Iced-tea offers another way to get your water with a little flavor. Just dm't_ o\ferboard with it, because each cup contains about 50 milligrams of caffeine. Once you get past 3oo milligrams, about six cups, a diuretic effect kicks in and you'll end up losing more water than you take in. Unsweetened teas such as those by Lipton and Nestea are better than premade, sugary varieties.
  • Protect yourself against the harmful rays of the sun. Use a sunscreen with minimum SPF 15. Also, use an insect repellent to avoid bug bites and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
  • Choose clothes that fit loosely and are light in color. Mesh-like fabrics and cottons are preferable since they allow the skin to dry faster.
  • Choose the cooler times of the day to exercise. Early morning or evening is best.
  • Exercise indoors or find shaded areas to reduce direct sun exposure.
  • When starting your summer routine, start the first week by exercising at half your usual intensity and time. Raise the intensity and time gradually.
  • Always warm up and cool down for at least 10 minutes for every exercise session. No excuses!
  • Light headedness, clammy skin, dizziness, nausea, fainting headache, confusion, and hot skin are symptoms of heat stroke, consult a doctor in case you are suffering from these.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages since they advance dehydration:

Foods you must eat this summer

Halibut:A whitefish prized for its firm texture and delicate taste, halibut, because of its high omega-3 content, is also popular among those who care about their fatty acids promote healthy, well-moisturized skin, the kind she'll want to get close to.

Whole Wheat: Whole grains, including whole-wheat breads such as Healthy Choice's Soft Honey Wheat, are high in zinc, which is essential for making collagen, a fibrous protein that is a primary skin component. Zinc also plays an important role in repairing burned skin.

Cantaloupe: This classic summer fruit-salac staple promotes healthy skin with its high beta-carotene content. Beta-carotene turns into vitamin A, which is essential for the growth and repair o' skin tissue.

Summer greens: Spinach and chard are rich :- vitamin A & vitamin C-which provides antioxidant protection against SU7 damage, and vitamin B, which help prevent dry skin, rashes, itching arc skin diseases.

Fresh yogurt: "Yogurt has it all," says Paul Goldberg, strength conditioning coach for the National Hockey League's Colorado Avalanche. "It has protein and zinc for tissue building, calcium to facilitate muscle contractions, arc carbs for energy."

Watermelon: A great post workout recovery food, watermelon has high-glycemic carbohydrates (for energy replenishment); and is more than 90% water (for hydration); and contains the antioxidant lycopene (prostate-cancer prevention). The best watermelon is available between mid-June and late August. To select a ripe one, give it ar open-hand slap and listen for a hollov. sound.


Six Ways to Reduce Your weight.

>> Saturday, June 11, 2011

Obesity is a major problem in youth and children in these days. Research says large amount of people suffering from overweight across the world.

Obesity brings lots of diseases and problems with itself, like slowness, heart problems and blood pressure and unattractive personality, that why everyone especially girl’s wants to be slim and want to get a well shaped body.

This craze of slimming makes younger’s to do unsafe practice like dieting; Research says 90% dieting attempts fails. In my opinion dieting is a worst way to lose weight, why? Let me explains, during the dieting period your fat is dissolved and slowly you reduced your weight, but this practice makes you weaker in lacks of incomplete nutrition’s , second after stopping dieting your body restore the fat and again you gain the weight.

I am suggesting some safe and effective ways to reduce your extra weight.
1.       First of all stop dieting take proper food, with necessary vitamins and minerals, but stop junk food and high cholesterol food and oily food. Say no to soft drinks, it contains the sugar and high amount of carbohydrate that makes you fat.

2.       Make a schedule of eating, leave the habit of eating something every time, reduces the amount of sweet dish from your food. Use the toned or double toned milk, it contain all necessary nutrition but has low amount of fat.

3.       Drink at least ¼ liter of water before eating, it dissolve the extra fat and help to reduce the amount of diet. After a long practice you will see batter result.

4.       Take the food that has HDL (high density lipoprotein, also known as good cholesterol). It reduce the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein, also known as bad cholesterol). The source of H.D.L. are fish oil (for non vegetarians “but I shell suggest to avoid non vag. Food if you want to slim, non- veg food contain large amount of fat and other harmful element.”), all fiber congaing food, orange juice, nuts, soya, and green leaves foods.

5.       The Most Important is ”Regular Exercise”, try some light exercise, like walking, skipping, regular exercise increase your metabolism and reduce extra fat from your body.

6.       If you’re Office or working spot is near to your home then use your leg to go office, it is a better practice.

To follow the above practice you can see the results in one or two months, But if you don’t have time do all, don’t lose hope, there is an another way.

Kairali Ayurvedic Group offers a specials weight loss program at Kerala (India), Kairali provides Unique Health program with Herbal oil massages and Ayurvedic Medicines to help you lose excess weight and streamline your body. The complete natural way without exercising or dieting. Kairali is situated at gods own city “Kerala” that is well known for its Ayurveda, amidst in 50 acre of lush greenery and paddy fields. All treatments performed by experienced Ayurveda expert. to know more about kairali's weight loss program please visit a:

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